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For those who struggle with grinding their teeth at night, or bruxism, a dental appliance is often a good solution. Used to support the teeth and decrease the effects of bruxism, a dental splint can be a hugely helpful appliance to moderate pain and discomfort.

What Is a Dental Splint?

A dental splint is a device used to support and stabilize teeth, jaws, and temporomandibular joints (TMJ). A custom-made appliance, a splint is worn in the mouth, typically at night, and can help to relieve symptoms of bruxism (teeth grinding) and temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD).

There are several types of dental splints available to patients, including these:

  • Bite splint or occlusal splint: This device fits over the upper or lower teeth and helps to redistribute bite forces, which in turn reduces the wearing down of the teeth caused by bruxism.
  • TMJ splint: This splint fits over the lower teeth and helps to stabilize the temporomandibular joint, thereby reducing the pain and discomfort of TMD.
  • Stabilization splint: This device fits over both the upper and lower teeth and helps to stabilize the jaw in order to reduce symptoms of TMD.

Dental splints are typically made from a hard plastic material and are custom made to fit the patient’s mouth. They are designed to be comfortable, and they are often worn at night while the person is sleeping.

The use of a dental splint can help to relieve pain and discomfort, prevent further damage to the teeth, and improve the function of the jaw and TMJ.

What Is a Tooth Splint?

A dental splint and a tooth splint can refer to the same thing in some cases, as both terms are used interchangeably in dentistry. However, in some instances, the term tooth splint may refer specifically to a device used to stabilize a loose or injured tooth.

A tooth splint is a type of dental splint that is used to immobilize and protect a loose, fractured, or displaced tooth. It is typically made from a thin piece of wire or plastic material, and it is bonded to the affected tooth and adjacent teeth to provide stability and support. Tooth splints are used to promote healing and prevent further damage to the affected tooth.

How Does a Splint Work?

There are different types of splints available, and all of them work a little bit differently. Some are bonded to the teeth in order to create stability, while others are removable appliances that are worn as needed, usually at night, to support the teeth and surrounding structure of the mouth.

Do I Need a Dental Split?

If you struggle with pain in the joints of your jaw, or you grind or clench your teeth, reach out to Dison Family Dentistry to set up an appointment and learn more about the options available to you.


Dental Splints: Types and Time of Immobilization Post Tooth Avulsion. (December 2017). Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry.

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