It’s all too easy to burn the roof of your mouth. Hot drinks or a bite of something just out of the oven are common culprits. Taking a sip or bite before it has time to cool just one time can result in a significant mouth burn.
Unfortunately, a burn inside of the mouth due to something boiling or scalding can cause a first-degree burn, which can mean peeling, swelling, and long-lasting pain.
The good news is that it only takes about a week for a significant roof of the mouth burn to heal. Using the following at-home remedies can help you to stay comfortable while you wait.
Top 3 At-Home Remedies for Burned Roof of Mouth
- Cool water: Immediately after a burn, swish cool water (not cold water and not ice) in your mouth to mitigate the damage and clear away any hot substances that remain in the mouth. This may help to stop the burn from going beyond the superficial layers of skin, and it will certainly provide immediate relief from the worst of the pain.
The American Academy of Dermatology Association recommends doing this for about 10 minutes with any first-degree burn.
- A cloth soaked in cool water:If you don’t have access to enough water to keep swishing and spitting for 10 minutes, soak a washcloth or paper towel in cool water and hold it against the burnt spot in your mouth.
- Over-the-counter painkillers: Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or other over-the-counter pain relief medications can help to take the edge off the pain, especially during the first day or so when it hurts the most.
Top 3 Things to Avoid When Treating a Roof of Mouth Burn
- Dairy products: Too often, you may hear that applying dairy products like yogurt or milk to a burned area will help. The old folk remedy of applying butter to a burn is not supported by medical professionals. Stick to water.
- Ice: Burns are hot. It is natural to want to go to the extreme to immediately cool them down, but choosing ice packs, ice cubes, or icy cold water will only further damage the skin.
- Hard, crunchy, sticky, or hot foods: As your mouth starts to heal, the pain will lessen long before the area is fully healed. Avoid further damage to the skin by sticking to soft, lukewarm, or cool foods.
When Is It Time to See a Dentist?
In most cases, a mouth burn can be treated at home, but in some cases, you’ll need professional help. If the area becomes infected or if the pain persists for more than a week, it is time to see a dentist. If this is the case, contact us at Dison Family Dentistry to set up an appointment.