A Woman visiting her dentist

Dental implants can be an effective way to address the problem of a broken tooth or teeth, replacing the non-functional tooth with a false tooth via an implant that will last for years. The process of implanting a tooth can take time, however. It is important to know what to expect before you begin the process.

What Are the Dental Implant Stages?

There are six dental implant stages, or six different phases that a patient goes through as they go from having a damaged tooth that requires replacement to the tooth being fully repaired and functional.

These are the six stages:

  • Removal of the damaged tooth or teeth, if necessary
  • Preparation of the bone and tissue where the implant will go, if necessary
  • Placement of the dental implant
  • Growth and healing of the bone and tissue around the implant
  • Placement of the abutment
  • Attachment of the new tooth or crown

What Is the Dental Implant Healing Timeline?

It can take six months or more to get through the entire dental implant process, starting with the initial consultation and ending with a new implanted tooth or teeth that you can use to chew without pain.

If there are complications at any point, a delay in setting up appointments, or a need for a little extra time for swelling to recede, it may take a bit longer.

What Do I Need for Recovery From a Tooth Implant?

At each step along the path to getting a dental implant, your dentist will give you all the directions you need to take care of yourself, minimizing pain and reducing the risk of infection. If you follow these directions, you should be able to keep the timeline tight and get through it as quickly as possible.

In most cases, you will likely be advised to do the following:

  • Eat soft foods only.
  • Rest as much as possible to allow for healing.
  • Use ice packs to reduce swelling.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Rinse your mouth with saltwater after every time you eat instead of using harsh mouthwashes.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene to avoid infection.

If at any point you have a serious issue (such as excessive bleeding, extended swelling, or long-term or intense pain at the site), you are advised to call your dentist immediately.

What if I Have Concerns About How My Dental Implants Are Healing?

If you are unsure that your dental implant is healing well or if you think you might have an issue with an old dental implant, Dison Family Dentistry can help. Additionally, if you have lost a tooth or multiple teeth or damaged your teeth and feel that a dental implant may be the best path forward, we can assist you.

Call Dison Family Dentistry now to set up a free consultation.

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